We're changing
the way the world sees
and understands children's skin.

And as we do, we educate parents on the unique needs of their children's skins and provide them the right tools to care for it.

Did you know?
An infant’s skin is 30% thinner than that of an adult.
Because children have thinner skin, natural moisturizing and skin lipid production are reduced, making it more sensitive to irritation and inflammation.
Newborn skin can be 10 times more sensitive than that of adults.

A Team of Experts

We Know Skincare

It takes great people to make great products. Meet our pediatric skincare experts working on the frontlines of innovation and scientific understanding in order to provide
the best care for children’s skin.

Fred Ghali, MD

Fred Ghali, MD has practiced pediatric dermatology for over 20 years. In addition to running two private pediatric dermatology clinics, he also educates dermatology residents at multiple universities and actively participates in the Society of Pediatric Dermatology and the American Academy of Dermatology. Dr. Ghali is also heavily involved in researching new advances in pediatric dermatology and is an author of over 30 publications. While Dr. Ghali actively leads in his industry he still enjoys providing care for his patients, building trusting relationships with their families, and shooting hoops when he can.

Kimberly Capone, PhD

Kimberly Capone, PhD is an established expert in microbiology and the human microbiome with a concentration in both infant and adult skin. In her career she has led teams at both Johnson and Johnson and at FemTec Health in the development of groundbreaking products backed by in depth clinical research. Driven by a deep passion and a sense of purpose, Kimberly works to deliver a healthier future for all, one innovation at a time and when she’s not helping to change the world, she’s laughing way too loudly at standup comedy.

Kalyani S. Marathe, MD, MPH

Kalyani Marathe, MD, MPH is a rock star mom, a renowned board-certified pediatric dermatologist, and Associate Professor of Pediatric Dermatology at the University of Cincinnati. When not conducting research or teaching, Dr. Marathe works to help equip patients and parents with the tools needed to protect and care for their children’s skin while actively serving in her community to help all children have access to the same excellent medical care. Being a mom and dermatologist has helped her appreciate the practical aspects of any treatment regimen and enjoy how a dad joke can make any office visit better.

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Mom applying soap foam to child's shoulder